Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The game changer!

We had a plan, a good plan! My husband and I had all these plans for the next year and half. We planned on buying a house in October, getting a little pug in December, and hopefully a baby by next summer. We had been working so hard to get out of debt. We both planned on working at our current jobs for at least another 18 months, while we focused on starting our own business that would allow us to work from home. 

But then came the game changer, a curveball out of nowhere. I was told yesterday my position at HP would end in two weeks, and Josh's job would be ending a couple of months after. I think I could have handled it better if it had just been me, but for both of us to be impacted hit me like a ton of bricks.

A year from now I know all will be well. It always is. It is the next few weeks and months ahead that makes me nervous. It is the temporary discomfort and uncertainty that has me feeling nauseas. I laid awake last night feeling like what just happened?

But it did happen. The game has been changed. I can sit on the sidelines and be upset. I can turn away and refuse to play, but the truth remains that the game has been changed. So for today we go to work. I start the process of figuring out what happens regarding benefits and pay. Josh returns to his job at least temporarily, and we take it day by day.

I made a few promises to myself last night as I laid awake. I promised myself I would not eat over this. Food will not solve this problem. I will continue blogging on a daily basis. I will not let myself sink into depression, or let anxiety rule my life. I will continue to be thankful for all the blessings in my life. 

Life is full of change and there are no guarantees. A friend of mine yesterday said they wanted to hear me give a battle scream! I've got one for you today. I am 100% committed to today and continuing to change my life. The race must go on!


  1. So much love and good thoughts to you, Leslie. The game will change throughout your whole life. It's the way you deal with the change that will really affect your life, though. You'll still have good days and bad days, but try to keep it all in perspective and keep moving forward (I'm telling myself this daily with all of my work changes, too).

    1. Thanks Heather! I am feeling so much better about things now. I am excited to see what the next few months will bring.

  2. Leslie,
    You are an incredible person and I am so thankful to have met you. You along with our other comrades will be in my thoughts and prayers. We can make it through this and have made it through worse!

  3. Yes we can! I can't wait to see what everybody ends up doing:)
