Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Just keep swimming..just keep swimming!

I think it is very easy to get stuck in life. I have spent a lot of time feeling paralyzed by what decisions to make.  I worry about making the wrong decision.  There are times when standing still and not doing anything is the best decision, but there are also times when I think any move is better than staying stuck.

It is easy to fall into the comfort of not knowing and constantly searching for the right choice, and the best move to make.  I have spent a many of nights searching for the best diet, the best new job, the best approach to starting a business, or anything else I am concerned about. Pretty soon the act of searching becomes a comfortable spot.  In a way it is enough to make me feel like I am doing something about my problem, but without the discomfort of actually have to make a decision. 

Today I found myself struggling with making decisions.  I have been having problems figuring out what to write about. I have started writing about many different topics, but would end up scratching the idea and starting over.  I wanted the perfect topic.  I have found myself feeling the same way about decisions regarding eating and my health. Do I count calories? How often do I weight myself? What do I eat? What do I not eat? All of these questions can driver a girl crazy...(no wisecracks wanted..lol)  Josh and I are looking at buying a house in October, and I keep thinking is this the best time, are we financially ready, and the questions go on and on.

In the past I have done nothing, and waited until I felt inspired regarding the decision, but looking back I realize I should have just kept moving. This doesn't mean making rash decisions.  It doesn't mean just going out and buying a house, but it does mean moving in the general direction of where I want to go.  One blog on an uninteresting topic is not going to kill me, but starting to get in the habit of skipping days could make me lose focus.  Choosing to count calories for a little bit until I decide my next move is only going to help me. It will keep me moving in the direction I want to go.  I know eventually we want to buy, so I am trying to slowly go through things, we are looking for houses in the areas we might want to move, and making the necessary financial decisions to be ready.  I know eventually I would like to just have a healthy routine that doesn't require counting calories, but as I am making changes I am choosing to count calories for now. 

Tomorrow I make totally different choices, and that is okay.  For today I just feel good that I am staying in the race and making headway. It feels good to keep moving.  As Dora in Finding Nemo says " Just Keep Swimming!, Just Keeping Swimming!.

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