Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Taking care of myself!

I sometimes look at the world and I am amazed at all people can accomplish. I am amazed at mothers who manage to work a full time job, shuffle the kids from place to place, keep themselves looking immaculate, keep their house clean and still manage to get dinner on the table. I am in aww of all the people that wake up at 5:00 am to exercise, start a business from scratch, and live on energy drinks and 2-3 hours of sleep at night.

I think it is hard sometimes because there is such a fine balance between pushing yourself to be better, to go further, and do more; and honoring and taking care of yourself. The reality is this, I don't have the same energy level that others have. This is the case no matter what your size is. We are all different. 

Today I slept in till 10:45. I woke up frantic because I overslept, and didn't get more accomplished. But sitting here now, I feel so good. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. Today reminds me to honor my body and my body's needs. Each day I try to push myself a little further. I know in time I will have more energy. But for now, I just have to remind myself that the more I take care of myself, the more I will want to stay in the race. And isn't that the point of life-to stay in the race?


  1. Most weeks, I am so exhausted, that by Wednesday, I'm going to bed by 8pm. I've even had a Saturday or two, where I will sleep the entire day. I have come to realize that my body NEEDS more sleep than other people's bodies. By honoring my body and understanding it's needs, I am able to function better for my students and myself. Stay in the race, lady!!!!

  2. So true Kim! I do so much better when I am able to wake up naturally with no alarm clocks. Of course that is challenging during the week, but on the weekend I try to sleep as much as I need to.
