Monday, June 24, 2013

She's A Witch-Burn her, burn her!

Maybe I haven't read enough about it to know the important details, but I feel like, what the heck just happened, when it comes to the story of Paula Dean. More importantly what the heck is happening to our society? We are so quick to take a person and rake them over the coals when they say or do something we don't agree with. I'm not even going to get into the details of the situation, but I would just like to point to the big power button on your remote control. If you push the button, it turns the TV off or you can push the up and down channel arrows and turn the TV station whenever something or someone you don't like comes on. 

Last summer I was watching the Joan and Melissa show. In one episode Joan was going camping with her daughter and they went target shooting. Joan was doing horrible and they told her to think of things she hated. She listed something in reference to fat people. As silly as it seems it totally hurt my feelings. How can you hate a whole group of people because of their weight. I thought about writing a letter to the producers, but then I turned the TV off and moved on.

I am all about equal rights. I believe people should be able to legally marry who they want to and all people should be able to pursue their dreams no matter their color or beliefs. The problem is we as a society have come to want the best of both worlds. We say we want a world with freedom of expression and free speech, but deep down we only want it if it fits with what we believe. 

I would have a lot more respect for the situation with Paula Dean if the Food Network had kept her show on and let the ratings determine the fate. 

The point of this is to say this. If you truly want the right to say how you feel, don't criticize others for saying or doing what they feel. Unless it keeps you from being safe or keeps you from being able to pursuit happiness as outlined in the constitution, leave it be. 

I know for myself, I have had to work hard at accepting that I can 't control people. I wish things were different. I have eaten a many of bags of chips and bowls of icecream because of something someone said, did, or didn 't do. I wish certain people in my life and our society viewed me and the world differently, but I can only control what I do and what comes out my mouth. We need to focus more on our own actions and words, and the example we are setting for the next generation. 

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