Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am the turtle!

I have like a million and one ideas running through my head at any given point in time. Finding a way to take those ideas and turn them into reality is a struggle for me.  The problem for me is I want what I want right now. I know what steps it will take to accomplish what I want, and I somehow want to complete those sets immediately.  In reality, however, it is going to take time.  I realized this week that I have been setting too many goals for myself and being very unrealistic about the process. 

The reason that I named my blog Turtle in a hares world is because the entire point of everything I am doing is to be able to live the life my husband and I want, have the things we want, but not have to constantly be running and missing out on the special things that make life so wonderful.  I have a bad habit of setting too many unrealistic goals and then I end up getting so tired and frustrated that I quit the entire race totally.  I end up not wanting to do anything.  I have found this to be true with losing weight, saving money, cleaning, and working on starting a business.  The past year and 1/2 I have made progress in that area, however.  Especially, I would have to say, when it comes to my weight.  I have not dropped out of the race at all.  I have had times when I slowed down and periods when I didn't lose, but for the first time in my life I have over the past few years slowly been going down on the scales and inching closer to my overall goal. I had to remind myself of that again this week because I found myself frustrated with my progress.

The reality for me is that doing extremes has never been successful for me.  I have lost and gained 100's of pounds in my life, but I would also get frustrated and quit.  So today I don't want to say that I start fresh again, but I allow myself to slow down pick a few steps to work on and move forward.  So last week I didn't write all the blog posts I wanted. I could just stop the blog, which is how I would have responded in the past, or I can start with today. I can share where I am mentally today, and move forward. 

I sometimes think where would I be today if I had simply taken a break when I needed to and focused on maintaining progress instead of just going off the deep end when I got tired of working towards something.  All I know for certain is that I am enjoying where I am in my life now. I am especially enjoying writing this blog...and so the race continues...

Would love to hear from others about how they are finding their passion, reaching their dreams, and living the life they want to live at the pace they want to do it. 

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