Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Keeping Up With My Facebook Friends

I have a little bit of a bittersweet relationship with Facebook.  I love being able to connect with so many people, and read about their lives.  On the other hand, sometimes I find it hard not to compare yourself to everybody.  Most of us only post the good things, the projects that work out, the meals that aren’t burnt, and the things we accomplish.  You don’t see as much the starts and stops, the really bad days, the things that don’t work out.  I say this not in any way as a negative, but I just have to work to remind myself that the only person I need to compare myself to is myself. 
Sometimes I start my day out already overwhelmed.  In my mind I feel I should have already ran a marathon, cleaned the kitchen, decorated the apartment, paid off debt, and then make a four course healthy meal, and these are my thoughts before I even get out of bed.   So many times I have stopped myself from even starting something because of fear of not being able to do what I think I should do. 
So today I celebrate my small accomplishments, the weight I have lost, the tater tots I ordered and didn’t eat because I was full, the blog I am writing, the swimsuit I will finally wear without a cover-up, and my willingness to never give up.  

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Leslie. You're so right about social media only showing you what people want you to see. Don't compare!
