Saturday, March 9, 2013

My big 5 goals to reach before I'm 35!

10 months from today I turn 35!  I don't really mind getting older. I know it is all part of the plan, but what I do mind is that feeling that I haven't accomplished some of the goals I have always wanted to accomplish.  Most people that know me, know that I have struggled my entire life with my weight.  They have watched me lose and gain.  They have seen the excitement as I dropped pants size, bought new cute outfits, and then slowly gained the weight back. For awhile now I have tried not to talk too much about my weight. I have tried not to share the pound by pound loss because of fear of gaining it back.

This week has been a touch week for me. After losing about 35 pounds last year, I have found myself slipping.  Work has been extremely frustrating, and I don't feel any closer to having the career that I want.  We have had some financial setbacks that have caused us to have to use our emergency money, and our living space seems chaotic and unorganized.  By the middle of last week, I felt totally deflated and uncertain of everything. But the one thing I will say is that I always seem to be surrounded by the most encouraging and loving people. My husband is amazing, and I have some other really special friendships with people that believe in me and all the possibilities.

People say that when you are trying to figure out what you want to do in your career, you should ask yourself what would you do if money was no object.  I would spend my days talking to people about there goals.  I love trying to help people reach their dreams.  I enjoy trying to figure out ways to fund people's dreams, find time to work on their dreams, and keep motivated.  I have wanted to be a life coach/motivational speaker since I was in college, but I think deep in my heart I knew that I wouldn't be successful at that if I couldn't motivate myself.  How could push others to go beyond their comfort levels and push themselves, if I couldn't do that for myself.

At work I keep hearing at our team meetings to keep our feet on the accelerator.  I am ready to do that in my own life.  I have set five very big goals for myself to reach in the next 10 months, and I plan on celebrating my accomplishments at the end of all this with the biggest 35th birthday celebration a girl can have :) I plan on using this blog as a way to document and share my experiences, obstacles, and accomplishments along the way. My five goals are as follows:

I will lose 100 pounds before my 35th birthday.  I plan on focusing on making one change a week.  I weighed this morning and I will not weigh again until the morning of my 35th birthday. I know that it is going to be hard not to weight, but i tend to celebrate my losses too much and start getting comfortable in the weigh loss before i reach my goal.  This week my first change is that I am giving up sweets. I have decided not to eat any sweets for the next 10 months.  I don't plan on giving up sweets forever, but I lose weight easier and have less cravings when I get rid of the sugar.  So the Girl Scout cookies I just purchased will have to find a home in the freezer for a little while :)

My husband and I will be celebrating my 35th birthday in our new home.  We both have wanted a house for awhile, but have continually pushed purchasing a home back because we weren't quite ready to get ourselves in the financial position to purchase a house. So goal number two is that we will purchase a house by my 35th birthday.

Goal number 3 is to organize our lives better.  We will find a cleaning routine and organization style that works for us.  In preparation for buying a house, we plan on going through everything we own and selling what we don't need, donating what we can't sell, and finding an organization system to help keep us less stressed.

I am a little scare to type this goal for some reason, but by my 35th Birthday I want to  no longer be working for somebody else.  I understand now that when I quit my last job, I quit too soon.  I didn't have our financial situation in the position to handle the highs and lows of starting a business. I hadn't built the business up enough either.  I know 10 months is a short time period, but I am determined to make it happen.

I will keep my project life scrapbook on a weekly basis for the next 10 months. I want to document this journey through pictures, and other special things to remember this time by.  As part of this goal, I agree to blog atleast twice a week :)

So there it is, my five big goals I plan on reaching before I turn 35.  Wish me luck!!!

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